LEO Network

Golovin, Alaska, United States

The cormorants moved in when the peregrins did not return this year. "We believe (they did not return) because of the bird flu."

Cormorants on the cliff
Toby Anungazuk Jr.

Golovin Alaska, United States

formerly Chinik (Siŋik in Iñupiaq, Cingik in Central Alaskan Yup'ik)

Golovin is on a point of land between Golovin Bay and Golovin Lagoon on the Seward Peninsula in western Alaska.

See Also

View on Map

Observations of Unusual Bird Behavior in Alaska, 2022

/ USFWS / One Health Group

Graphics and Software by Michael Brook

Confirmations of Avian Influenza in Alaska

/ Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation / One Health Group

Graphics and Software by Michael Brook

Alaska Birds: Cormorants

Alaska Birds- Explore the beauty of Alaskan Nature and learn about Cormorants

Peregrine falcon