
Dori Thompson pours hooligan into a heating tank on May 2, 2024, at the Lkoot Kwáan culture camp. (Lex Treinen/Chilkat Valley News)

Hooligan oil cooked at culture camp ‘it’s pure magic’

A thick, pungent smell wafts up from a five-foot, wood-plank pit as workers slosh thousands of sausage-sized hooligan that have been sitting for about a week.  For the dozen or more people gathered on the banks of the Chilkoot…

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Visitor Guide 2024

Garden Edition


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Thank you for marine debris cleanup

As the 2024 marine debris cleanup winds down, the staff and board at Takshanuk Watershed Council would like to express our deepest gratitude to the 64 volunteers who…

Clerk comments against assembly unfounded

It pains me to see the vitriol, unfounded accusations and attacks by some residents, including our outgoing borough clerk, aimed at our new assembly.  This assembly was elected…


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Haines assembly cleared of ethics complaints

The attorney’s memos — a total of 19 heavily annotated pages —  found that the members actions did not constitute ethics violations, since the assembly members couldn’t be…


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